Set of 10. Knob Grippers are for the Fly Rig 5, BRIT Fly Rig 5, CALI Fly Rig 5 ONLY.PLEASE NOTE: early versions of the RK5 were shipped with 4 knob grippers (one on each Level).Later versions of the RK5 have actual knob covers and don't need any grippers.In fact, the knob grippers won't fit.If your ..
Есть много вариантов получения приемлемого звука акустической гитары. Но зачем соглашаться на полумеры, когда вы можете быть счастливы?
Если вы считаете, что использование DI достаточно хорошо и вам не нужны какие-либо ..
AMP COVERS: SOFT BLACK VINYL WITH SILVER EMBROIDERED LOGOMODEL# VC 112-SL – Fits 1×12 Trademark 60, Power Engine 60, Bronzewood 60MODEL# VC 212-SL – Fits 2×12 Trademark 60, Trademark 120, Power Engine 60MODEL# VC TM300 – Fits Trademark 300MODEL# VC 112-LM – Fits 1×12 VT Bass ..
dUg Pinnick. Unmistakable in every way –that voice, the songwriting, his style, and, of course, the dUg tone. Since the formation of King’s X in the ‘80s, dUg has been one of the most influential players to garner attention for the then hardly used, 12-string bass. dUg also devised his own method of..
The Power Engine Deuce Deluxe is a pumped up version of the former Power Engine 60 Series, which was introduced back in 2001. Our original concept for a FRFR speaker cabinet specifically designed for stringed instruments evolved from an overwhelming amount of inquiries as to which amp would be best ..
VT BASS 1000 SPECSModel Number: VTB-1000Input Impedance: 1MOhm Nominal Input Level: -20dBuOptimal Output Load: 4 Ohms Power Output: 1000W (RMS)Effect Loop Input Impedance 1MOhmMaximum Effect Loop Input* approx. -6dBuNominal Effect Loop Output Impedance 1KOhmNominal Effect Loop Output* appr..
$2 095.00
VT BASS 1969 SPECSModel Number: VTB-1969Input Impedance: 1MOhm Nominal Input Level: -20dBuOptimal Output Load: 4 Ohms Power Output: 300W (RMS)Effect Loop Input Impedance 1MOhmMaximum Effect Loop Input* approx. -6dBuNominal Effect Loop Output Impedance 1KOhmNominal Effect Loop Output* appro..
$1 395.00
The VT Bass 200 is a 200-Watt, 1×12 bass combo amp, with an all-analog SansAmp™ pre-amp and Class D power amp. It is formulated with the same proprietary technology as our VT Bass SansAmp Character Series line. The unique Character control moves seamlessly between decades of different voicings. It a..
The VT Bass 500 is a 500-Watt bass amp head, with an all-analog SansAmp™ pre-amp and Class D power amp. It is formulated with the same proprietary technology as our SansAmp Character Series VT Bass DI pedal. The unique Character control sweeps through decades of some of the most distinctive bass amp..
• Features custom-designed Eminence® Neodymium 15″ speaker.• Chrome-plated steel grill, rear vented, Speakon® connectors, and 1/4” connectors. Dimensions: 24″w x 24″h x 16″d. Weight: 48 lbs.Free shipping in the continental US.Optional vinyl cover available (see below)...
• 4×10 bass cabinet loaded with custom Eminence® speakers. Sealed back, chambered design. Neutrik® Speakon and 1/4-inch connectors.• Choice of 8 Ohms or 16 OhmsDimensions: 24″w x 24″h x 16″d. Weight: 70 lbs.Optional vinyl cover available (see below).Model: B410-DP8 with 8 Ohms;One Neutrik Speak..
Нас завалили просьбами о басовой версии Fly Rig 5 со дня еге появления. Как мы могли не ответить вам? Мы немного сошли с ума, и запихали в Bass Fly Rig все, что можно, кроме кухонной раковины, Род-Айленда и подводной лодки.
SansAmp, конечно же, сердце прибора, с на..
DISTORTION, DIRT, GRIT, CHUNK, FUZZ, OVERDRIVE, GRIND...It goes by many names, comes in many flavors and they’re all good. Unfortunately, finding that sweet spot isn’t so easy with vintage pedals. You need to deal with noise, signal loss, tones that can change with battery life and even the temperat..
DISTORTION, DIRT, GRIT, CHUNK, FUZZ, OVERDRIVE, GRIND...It goes by many names, comes in many flavors and they’re all good. Unfortunately, finding that sweet spot isn’t so easy with vintage pedals. You need to deal with noise, signal loss, tones that can change with battery life and even the temperat..
ANALOG REVERB EMULATOR WITH CLEAN BOOST...Tech 21 brings a fresh perspective to the standard reverb pedal. By incorporating a clean Boost function, up to 9dB, your solos will jump out with greater dimension. The Boost RVB is designed with user-tweakable, “lo-fi” analog technology. By manipulating th..
Оригинальный Fly Rig, представленный в 2014 году, стал настоящей революцией для всех музыкантов, от гастролирующих профессионалов до диванных любителей. В то время, когда педалборды разростались, а спины ломались, инновационная система Fly Rig позволила игрокам разгрузиться, не жертвуя звуком, и..
Whether you’re a MIDI-meister or amongst the MIDI-mindless, the MIDI Mongoose is a super simple way to control your gear on stage, in the studio, and on DJ decks for sound and lighting, too. Tech 21’s intuitive engineering eliminates the intimidation of trying to decipher an encyclopedia-sized manua..
The MIDI Mouse is designed to take the frustration and confusion out of MIDI and offer an exceptionally user-friendly footcontroller.Easily access 128 patches on any of the 16 selectable MIDI channels by using the Up and Down footswitches to locate your program, with no banks to select.A third foots..
Not simply a pedal with his name slapped on it, the Richie Kotzen Signature OMG pedal was an intense collaborative effort. Richie, who has ears like a bat, was characteristically meticulous about every detail. It took many prototypes to get the OMG pedal to sound –and feel– the way Richie wanted it...
«С PL1 у меня есть все необходимое в кармане. Дом, гостиница, репетиция, студия, концерт - я просто подключаю свою гитару и все готово. Хоть он и такой маленький, но я могу набрать все звуки, которые мне нужны для моей группы. Вы не поверите в универсальность этой маленькой вещи. ..
The ‘60s and ‘70s are widely recognized as the heyday for professional recording console design. The EQ and preamp sections of these near-mythical vintage consoles are highly sought after, even to this day. Some of the most iconic guitar and bass tones in the history of recorded audio were tracked “..
Richie Kotzen RK5 Signature Fly Rig был разработана в тесном сотрудничестве с Ричи, его вклад был неоценим. Он дотошный во всех аспектах игры, пения, написания песен и тона. Внимание Ричи к деталям RK5 было не меньшим.Со времени дебюта оригинального RK5 в 2014 году потребности Ричи измени..
Что касается оборудования Стива, удивительно, что оно почти не изменилось за почти 40 лет. Что никогда не менялось, так это его собственный предусилитель ручной работы, «Alectron», а также его дорогие нестандартные винтажные кабинеты Marshall с динамиками EV. Мы отправили оригинальный прото..
• 320-watt, 8-Ohm closed-back 4×12 cabinetwith black grill and silver piping.• 4 Celestion® special design 12″ speakers.Available with Slant (shown) or Straight Front.Dimensions: 29″w x 29″h x 14″d. Weight: 72 lbs.Free shipping in the continental US.Optional vinyl covers available (see below)...